Monday, October 10, 2016

More Fall Fun!

Fall is truly the best season to be an Ohio resident.
I love seeing pumpkins on porches, stopping for an
occasional pumpkin spice latte, breaking out all
my hooded sweatshirts, and scarves.  Man, you can
never have to many of those (that goes for pumpkins
and scarves).  You know what else
we can't get enough of?  Fall Fun!  This weekend
was no exception.  We just can't stay home.  The
weather was unbelievably gorgeous - chilly in the
morning but warm enough to not need a coat
by the afternoon.  So, you know, perfect.
Thank goodness - because we had a lot planned.
First up - the Oakland Nursery Fall Festival.
While Oakland is not a pumpkin patch per se -
they know how to throw a festival.
It seems every pumpkin farm/festival has one
of these measuring sticks...but I'm not complaining
because it always makes for a cute picture :)
There was a pumpkin bounce house....
if you look close you can see Max's silhouette
to the right of the nose.  It was blowing his mind
that it was a pumpkin shape.
There were games galore - which of course,
means prizes!  And, kudos to Oakland - some
really fun ones!  Max could not stop talking
about his skeleton fan (while not even realizing
there were M&M's at the bottom). He also went
on to win a lip kazoo and silly eyeball glasses!
He bobbed for pumpkins...and of course,
what's a festival without a tractor ride?
We did that x2 :)
Are you tired just reading about all this crazy fall fun?
Well, I was too - but rest assured our three year
old was not tired and we brought the party into
Sunday too! On Sunday (funday...better than a Monday)
we ventured out to Trump Country  - jkjk - puke -
actually just Sunbury (but like, why does it seem like
so many country folk are with the Donald?) - to Hidden Creek Farms.
This was a new to us spot- with a lot of the same
fall fan fare. Let me grace you with this recap. :)
There were hay bales to climb up and over,
a giant pumpkin slide, big truck tires, petting zoo,
corn bin (is this all starting to run together?)....
and a corn cob AIR CANNON!
This air cannon contraption was something we had
never seen before and initially Max was scared of...
but after a few rounds were fired off - he decided
he could give it a go. They hauled up a milk crate
for him and then Grandpa, Mims, and Daddy all
helped him fire some corn cobs into the air. The
object is to get the corn cob through the pumpkin
(situated waaayyyyy out into the field's) mouth.
If you did so successfully, you could pick a
free pumpkin - but alas we were not successful.
But it was pretty fun!  Sidenote: Other targets
in the field included giant Trump and Hillary
cut outs - but we played it safe with the pumpkin.
Of course, we also took a tractor ride out to a
legitimate pumpkin field.  I was so freaking excited
to be able to cut my own pumpkin!
 However, it seemed that once we arrived at the field,
the farmer had already cut all the pumpkins off the vine!
I guess maybe the vines are really thick and prickly?
I was pretty convinced that I would still be
able to just twist it off, but I guess we'll never know.
Max picked out his pumpkin pretty quick...
and promptly pawned it off on papa Rob to
carry.  Mims, Grandpa, and Titi also picked
out pumpkins (even a small green one!) - and
we made our way back to the tractor.
 Max insisted on sitting on his own hay bale
in the middle of the wagon - tightly clutching
his pumpkin all the way back to the barn.
With every bump the tractor hit, I was convinced
he would bounce right off the bale - but he must
have some pretty good core muscles because
he remained on the whole time.
I've concluded that even though we have
so many pumpkin farms in the Columbus
area - each one has something that makes
it unique. Maybe it's a corn cob air gun,
or a bounce pillow....or an adult zip line -
we don't care!  We will continue to visit them all...
because let's face it friends - winter is coming.
And then, it's really hard to venture out
on the weekends - so we gotta soak this up!
Now I'm off to arrange all my pumpkins :)

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