Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Advocare Challenge

I would not say that math is my best subject.  But I do know (through some simple addition) that Max will be three years old in just a few short months.  After he was born, I told myself that I would give it some time before I started worrying about getting back to my “pre-pregnancy” weight.  Now, that doesn’t mean I didn’t step on the scale…but I didn’t mind the numbers not moving a whole lot. But, as time marched on, my body kind of just got comfortable.  I never made the effort (or the time) to really get back into running (which is something I loved to do pre Max). And of course with the addition of tiny person – our meals got decidedly more simple, and fast…but not necessarily the picture of health.  It’s so funny the things that shift when you there is a little one involved.  I’m always thinking – did Max eat enough protein?  Did he get a vegetable? A fruit?  But, when it comes to myself – I don’t use the same principles. 
(i just like this picture of myself and Rob :)

I’ve also never been super thin.  I’ve done weight watchers, and calorie counting.  And lots of running (mostly so I could eat cupcakes and wine).  I’ve also tried apps like “My Fitness Pal” – which was great, but never stuck.  I think something has to shift in a person in order for them to really make the commitment to a healthier lifestyle.  You have to really want it.  You have to be willing to invest in yourself.  To hold back at pot lucks. To pick fruit when you really want Doritos.  To make the time to prep lunch and dinner.
(these memes are so funny!)

This past summer we were visiting Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sugar in Oregon.  As Rob was looking through some of their scrapbooks of our previous visits, he lamented that he “looked terrible”.  He was obviously not satisfied at the way the camera portrayed him in some of the photos.  I joked then that we were going to start a family diet challenge (because I always hate the way I look in photos). That was August.  The diet bet really never panned out. But something in me did shift over the holidays.  So, when Auntie Stacy brought the Advocare Challenge to my attention, I hemmed and hawed (in true Carrie can’t make a decision fashion).  But, I did agree to it. 

(all the supplies!)

The box arrived, I got organized, and it began on January 11. The premise of the Advocare Challenge is a ten day cleanse, followed by a 14 day Max Challenge period.  So, total being 24 days on the program.  I can do anything for 24 days.  And, I did.

I’m here to tell you, I survived and I would do it again! Instead of boring you with the details of every single day, I will just say that in total, I lost 9 pounds. Here are some things I learned (in case you’re considering it)

1.)    Water is so, SO important. This was actually hard for me – I’m a diet coke gal. And a coffee gal.  But, I was able to give them both up and replace them with water and Spark. Spark is an Advocare product (with caffeine) that they suggest you drink in the morning and afternoon.

2.)    When planning meals – consider portion size (sadly, it’s not super sized!) Also, remember that a complex carb, veggie, and protein are good for dinner.
(found these portion control bags at Kroger - so that is 
real portion of my afternoon snack!)

3.)    I liked fruit and nuts for snacks.  Along with these energy ball things I found on Pinterest (that my dearest friend Candice was already making, so I knew about).
(another pinterest win - these egg cups!)

4.)    Try not to snack after dinner (it’s really hard though)

5.)    Tracking is important.  For me, seeing a visual reminder how much food I was putting in my body was a great tool.  It gets repetitive and boring, but every little snack is accounted for – which adds up.
(write it all down...it works!)
6.)    Minimal dairy (I had no cheese for 24 days!!!).  Minimal processed sugars and grains (I ate lots of gluten free meals).

7.)    Spaghetti Squash is a real vegetable.  I know!!!  And when you roast it in the oven, it legitimately shreds up like spaghetti.  Endless possibilities I tell you.
(I know it doesn't look great...but it was yummy!)

8.)    Do it with a friend if you can – having Auntie Stacy on board was very uplifting.  We emailed about meal plans and when we could get together to meal prep. She is also really positive about everything and I needed that for the days when my entire department was having a Mexican themed potluck.  Or, when we went to Ikea and I could not eat the meatballs.  But, I digress.
(my cooking buddy!)

I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m brain washed on Advocare.  Rest assured I’m not. But, I do think their plan is totally manageable.  And it helped me retrain my brain on what and how much to eat. And you get to snack twice a day.  I love snacks J

Moving forward, I plan to continue eating the same way and with the same intervals. Of course, I’m sure there will days when I slip up or totally cave and eat all the Cheese its. But…. I think the real point is that I’m choosing to commit. And, as of yesterday I’m down one more pound.  The scale is moving friends…and I’m super excited about that!   

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