Happy December 1st!
Just as in years past - we are celebrating the month of December
with a countdown to Christmas. Max is usually pretty into arts and crafts
(really, any chance to use "mommy's pens AKA the Sharpie and his second and third favorite crafting tools, the glue stick and safety scissors respectively)... so I knew
this would be a hit.
I usually stress about making the perfect "Pinterest worthy" arts and crafts
(yeah, I'm totally that mom) - but this year, when I saw the Santa beard
countdown calendar I was all over it. And it was $1.
(Thank you Target Dollar bins #alwayandforever)
Essentially all we did was glue Santa's face together
(complete with a mustache, like grandpa)!
Then, as each day comes, he will get to cut off a
sliver of the beard! And Max loves nothing more
than to use his safety scissors. He was actually
mad when I wouldn't let him start hacking at Santa's beard
last night. But I distracted him with another piece of paper...so all was well.
Sidenote: Distraction is my favorite form of tantrum diversion.
Sidenote: Distraction is my favorite form of tantrum diversion.
Then, Papa Rob and Max hung it up on the wall.
Max even went so far as to get his stool from the bathroom
so he could help.
I mean, if this face doesn't say proud - I don't know what does!
If you're wondering if Max always crafts in his underwear....
the answer is YES! haha! No, not really, he just
went to the bathroom and then decided to not put his pants back on.
He really does love to be naked though.
Just gotta pick your battles, right?
Also - my tip for this and ALL interactions with toddlers, is just
to keep your expectations low...and then be pleasantly surprised
when things turn out okay :)
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