Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Preparing for 2014

For several years, one of my scrapbook idols (yes I have idols for everthing...my hair idol (Sarah Jessica Parker)...work idol (Becky Rose our conservation coordinator etc. etc) has challenged people to choose one little word to focus on for the year.  This word is then to guide you throughout your year (however it manifests itself for you).  Anyway - I've been giving this a lot of thought...and at first, I thought of the word "imperfect".  Now this may sound strange to some - but for me I saw that as an opportunity to let go of some of the impossible standards and lofty goals I set for myself.  Ultimately what happens is that I drive myself (and possibly those around me) crazy.  But - the more I really thought about it and reflected, I think the more appropriate word for me is BALANCE.  It goes back to one of my favorite quotes "you can do anything, but NOT everything".  Balance is something I strive for...especially since becoming a mother.  How then do I still be a good wife?  A good friend?  A good sister?  A good teacher at my 40 hour a week job? and on and on... 
I think in the first couple months of Max's life, I cut myself a lot of slack (after one should when they have a newborn at home).  Now that he's a couple months older...I find myself just shuffling my roles around.  This doesn't really allow me to do any of them well - just good enough.  So - in the months ahead I will probably need to do some re-evaluating and cutting of things that don't help me cultivate balance. 
(more balance = more jam sessions with this little man.  also it was pajama day all day when this photo was taken.  and, our band will likely be called MJ and the Rockers...stay tuned).
I also filled out a fun little worksheet of other things to work on too...(it's the overachiever in me :)
A bad habitat to break... expecting perfection
A new skill to learn...does sewing a tee-pee for Max count? alright it's likely my friend Emily will do most the sewing.  How about tap dancing? I would love to tap dance.  And grow sunflowers.
A good deed to perform...delivering more flower bouquets from my garden and meals for new moms (two of my work friends are having babies).
A place I would like to visit... Oregon so we can see Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sugar's new house and Max can see how awesome it is.
A book I would like to read...Honest by Jessica Alba
A letter I would like to write..  I have someone in mind.
A new food to try...bread in the crockpot
I'm going to do better at...taking pictures of the three of us and asking for help when I need it
I'm going to do more....dates with Rob.
I'm going to do less...social media while Max is up and around.

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