Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Christmas is 6 months away!

In the spirit of Christmas being six months away (technically it was yesterday), Max decided to practice his best Kevin McCallister face...(and if you don't get that Home Alone reference, I'm not sure Max can be your friend!) hahahah!

"I took a shower washing every body part with actual soap; including all my major crevices; including inbetween my toes and in my belly button, which I never did before but sort of enjoyed. I washed my hair with adult formula shampoo and used cream rinse for that just-washed shine. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape." - Kevin McCallister (Home Alone)
Great holiday movie - let us know if you need to borrow it :)

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