Friday, November 6, 2015

Around Here

Halloween, daylight savings time, and a hacking cough have all caught up 
with us at the Haucks.  But....I don't like to whine - so instead I'm 
going to tell you about some of the fun stuff we've been up to lately. 
Last weekend Max and Mama went to the Franklin Park Conservatory. 
We had let our membership lapse and that place is totally
worth my $60 membership.  They offer a duo membership fee - 
which is perfect for us because Max is free until he turns three. 


(I uploaded a video above - hopefully you can see it...)

The conservatory is awesome too because it doesn't take forever
to get through - you can literally be in and out in a matter of an hour and half. 
They have lots of stairs to climb - a train in one of the rooms, a fish pond in 
the other, and lots of family friendly programming. 
It always tires Max out and I don't hate that. 
Chances are if you come to visit us - we will bring you here. 
You've been warned :)

Sunday the weather was still absolutely gorgeous (being that it
was November 1) - so after Max's nap, we picked up Titi and Penny
for a walk at the Hoover Reservoir. 
I brought the Ergo along still (as Max would still prefer
to be held or strolled).  He rode a bit on my back
and "helped" Titi with Penny's leash.  If you asked him - I'm sure
he would tell you that he loved throwing sticks and rocks in to the water. 
He could literally do this for hours.  And, he was even 
nice enough to pick up a few sticks for Penny (or, Penns as he calls her) too!

I have been participating in phone banks, 
yard sign drop offs, and door to door campaigning for two weeks to 
encourage Franklin County residents to vote for Issue 15!

On Tuesday, November 3rd, Max and I went to our 
local polling place and (obviously) voted YES to support our Zoo!
And, all my hard work paid off - as the levy passed with resounding
support from Franklin County. As Papa Rob and I both
work at the Zoo, this was an enormous relief. 
And, similar to this Oprah meme. (see below)


Okay - this isn't new news as baby Pax was born almost
a month ago now - but every time I look at this picture
it cracks me up. Max is clearly thrilled to have a cousin. 
(Actually we had run out of snack and fun things for him
to do at the hospital so he was OVER IT). 
I'm sure in a couple of months - they will be besties :)

The tree (it's a Sweet Gum) in our backyard
is literally the most beautiful tree in all the land. 
It took forever to turn color - but when it did - 
it did not disappoint.  LOVE it!

We also have a Sweet Gum tree in our front yard
that is still dropping leaves.  Papa Rob refuses to
rake them (rather, he would prefer to mow over them??) - 
but Max loves to jump in the piles I rake! 
We raked up two big piles and some neighborhood kids
came down and they were all rolling in the leaves. 
I felt like a super mom for thinking of this 
awesome, free activity. And, it's certainly better
than sitting in front of the i-pad or TV - which 
I fear might happen more frequently as the weather
gets cooler :(

Sometimes, I come across funny things on Instagram
or Facebook.  The below saved image was spot on this week. 
Max started to pee the bed at night time - for like four nights in a row. 
And while, I'm not mad, I'm not sure what to do?
He seemed mortified when I suggested a pull up. 
So, for now, I've started waking him when I go to bed, around 11. 
This seems to be working - no accidents the past couple nights! 
And, a much more rested mama :)

Have a wonderful weekend friends!

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