Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fun in the Sunshine!

Hooray, hooray, we've finally had some sunshiney days!
I'm happy to report that Max loves being in the sun as much as 
he loved being in the snow!  Here are some things Max recommends you try 
the next time you find yourself outside.
Sunglasses and pajama pants are always highly encouraged. 

1.)  Pull a wagon with all your favorite playground balls. 

2.)  Ride around on your airplane - steering optional.  If you're Max you crash into as many surfaces, corners, and walls as possible. 

3.)  Swing!!  Ours was recently put back up and he seems to be loving it way more this year!

4.)  Walk among the flowers!

5.)  Pose in front of the tulips...and then every flower pot you see afterwards. 

6.)  Look for your shadow!  And point out everyone else's too! :)

7.)  Catch bugs in your new bug catcher (from the Easter Bunny!)
Lose your mind when they fly away (only if you're a toddler :)

8.)  Dig in the dirt! Fling it all over the yard!  Demand that Daddy cut the grass!

9.)  Take your car out for a spin!

10.)  Throw some rocks in the pond!

Bonus points for stomping in your new Thomas Train boots
and spying some turtles and frogs!

Love our little nature boy!

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