Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Zuchinni Lovers

I like to pretend that in a former life I was a legit pioneer woman.  Somewhere between Laura Ingalls and Dr. Quinn medicine woman (have I mentioned my love for those two lately?  If not, your welcome.).  But, this is not fantasy the real truth is that we have been bumbling our way through gardening. How do the real gardners do it?  I can barely remember to water the three zuchinni plants we do have -all the while fighting off the dreaded blight that seems to have taken up residence on their leaves? Teach the commoners, please! 
Anyway, all the bumbling is totally worth it because as I dip my gardening gloves into the dirt and slowly figure out what the heck I'm doing..I actually have some zuchinni to show for it!  Here's how it went down.  I purchased three zuchinni plants from my beloved Oakland Nursery back in May. (Jokes on me though as one of them turned out to be a summer squash).  
Papa Rob planted them and then we crossed our fingers. 
Actually, I watered them, checked on them fourteen times once a day, and even googled "sqush blight"...all the while Max was not so secretly ripping off their leaves.
But, soon enough - we started to see baby zuchinnis (as evidenced below)!

Well, we waited and waited and waited some more. This zuchinni growing business is not easy people. And I'm not you know I was out there like #alldayerryday
But - they got bigger and bigger and bigger.
Then, I forgot to pick the one blight survivor before we left for Oregon. 
Imagine my surprise when we got back and it was even BIGGER! 
  (Below is Max - charging over and demanding me to pick the was time!)

Then, Max was all "get in the kitchen Mama and make me some bread!"
Just kidding he was like, "buh bye-oh no no, mama mama mama"
But, I did get in the kitchen and turned to my favorite Pinterest app for a recipe :)

The zuchinni had gotten so big that everything I read said that it wouldn't
be very flavorful.  The best option was to grate it and use it in bread. 
I used all my muscles and grated that thing till there was four cups of zuchinni to show for it.
Grate, Mix, Pour, and Bake - Done!
As you can see from the image below - my tiniest culinary critic throughly enjoyed it.
In fact, he enjoyed it so much that it was gone in about three days! 
Silly boy!
We're hoping that the four baby zuchinni that are still growing will survive the blight
and more bread will be in our future.
If you need us - we'll be watching the zuchinni

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