Sunday, March 9, 2014

10 month Update

Try as I might...he keeps on growing.  I'm trying to embrace it...but honestly, it's hard.  Just today I tried to snuggle him before nap time.  He wanted nothing to do with my snuggles, so I just had to set him in the crib and leave. Oh man, makes my uterus twitch just thinking about it! 
and just like that...he's 10 months old!
Most days he's about 90% pure joy, big smiles, and energy...the other 10% of the time?  A complete handful.  We don't go to the doctor again until 12 no "official" stats.  Just guesses. 
Weight: 25ish pounds?
Length:  seems the same...30 inches (although his pant length-- hello capris...would seem otherwise)?
Always accepting:  his pacifier, bananas, puffs, snuggles (at bedtime only), my wardrobe choices for him, and new tunes.
Not quite sure about:  lumpy foods, straw cups, daylight savings time change, and why Pecan Sandy (the cat) won't accept his undying love.
Crawling:  As mentioned last month...he is a quick crawler these days!  He is having a ball exploring every nook and cranny of our house.  He literally leaves no cord, remote, or tiniest bit of paper behind.  If he sees something he wants - he is off!  Soon after he picked up speed with his crawl - he noticed the stairs and now loves nothing more than climbing them.  All. Day.Long. He's really good at it - crawling the small staircase to the kitchen and the full staircase to the third level.  It's so funny to see him hitch his little leg up to hoist himself to the next stair. 
Sitting up:  Still sits up really well.  He can push himself to a sit up position from his belly very quickly too.
Pulling up:  After he mastered the crawl...he moved on to pulling up on the couch, his music table, the toy shelves, our TV stand and other various places in the house. He doesn't quite cruise yet from one piece of furniture to the other but I'm sure that's not too far off.
Babbling:  Lately, he is making all kinds of sounds.  Shrieks, yells, oohs, ahhs, and grunts.  He still loves to say the word "da da".  He also likes to say "ba ba".  Haven't heard him say "ma ma" as much this month.  He says something that sounds like "done" quite a bit.  And sometimes I swear he says "at" (for cat).  He also likes to take his fingers and run them over his lips to make a bubbling sound.  He's quite endearing.  His teacher said she (and all the other kids) heard him say "bib on" at lunchtime because she was telling him over and over to keep his bib on. 
Pointing:  This month also brought the discovery of his pointer finger.  He likes to point at anything and everything. Papa Rob and I always verbally tell him what he's pointing at (books, the window, grass, trees, birds etc.) hoping he'll catch on.  He really likes to point at his sippy cup in the morning when we are eating breakfast together.
Playing:  Max loves his musical instruments still.  His first preference is for the drum sticks and cowbell :) We are still taking music class and have signed up for the spring that will be lots of fun!  Recently, he also likes to put his nesting cups and Mama's mixing bowls inside each other.  Not the whole stack...but definitely pairs of them.  Papa Rob is also working to get him to put shapes in the shape sorter :)  He pretty much goes from toy to toy these days...not too much holds his attention for that long.  And I swear, he loves nothing more than pulling every single toy off the shelf.  And then opening and closing all the book covers.
We definitely need to baby proof.  Honestly, if you come over, you would probably be horrified at how little we have actually done on that front.  Max has discovered how fun it is to open cabinet doors, slam doors, and generally create a big mess :) 
Max still takes four bottles (8:30, 12ish, 4ish, and bedtime bottle).  While he used to consistently take 8 ounces...he takes closer to six now and I'm not too worried about it.  I've read that as he gets closer to a year old - the amount will taper off.  We always eat breakfast together.  His best meal by far.  He gets some kind of bread (bagel, pancake, waffle, or toast), scrambled egg, and fruit (usually banana).  Lunch is at school.  He always gets yogurt (and sometimes he even tries to feed himself...oh my!).  Sometimes the teacher will offer him other things too...avacado, broccoli, cottage cheese etc.  Dinner is with us - and is SO, SO MESSY!  We try to deconstruct what we are having...but it's so hard.  He refuses a lot of things with texture - meaning they go in and right back out.  I'm trying to stick with the mantra "food under one...just for fun" - but I'm hoping it gets better.  I know he still gets most of calories from the formula - so we just keep trying.  Right now - he seems to prefer crunchy things.  But, would eat bananas all day, every day if I would let him.
Doing pretty well with the sippy cup.  Although, when he gets bored with it...he just gnaws on the lids are taking a bit of hit. And of course - he LOVES to drop it on the floor. 
Still taking two naps for the most part.  Each lasting about an hour and fifteen minutes or so...sometimes longer in the afternoon.
Night time sleeping going good - for the most part.  We hit a bumpy patch last week because he got a low grade fever and was waking up quite frequently.  At one point we just slept together on the couch downstairs (though Max is really the only one that got much rest in that situation).  I keep thinking it's teeth but I don't see any new tooth buds.  Most nights we try to wait it out a couple minutes to see if he will go back to sleep himself (le pause...if you read Bringing up Bebe).  And he usually does.  I try not to let him go to sleep while drinking the bottle...but it's so hard.  I just want to rock and snuggle him all night.
Just plain fun...
This past month brought an overnight weekend in Dayton (and sleeping in a pack and play), a Valentine's day party...more music classes, walks out side (when the weather allowed), lots of Face Timing with family, practicing waving and high fiving, another lowering of the crib mattress, a new tent from IKEA, your first pack of crayons, studying "farm animals" with grandmim, and more art projects at school (ode to green being my favorite)!
Max - we love you when you're happy.  We love you when you're sad.  We even love you when you are squirming right out of our arms and demanding your sippy cup.  We have loved you every instant of the last ten months.  Xoxo

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